Salesforce Aura Analytics

Salesforce Aura Analytics is a powerful tool for visualizing and analyzing data within the Salesforce platform.

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Salesforce Aura Analytics is a powerful tool for visualizing and analyzing data within the Salesforce platform. If you’re interested in learning more about Aura Analytics and how to use it effectively, there are a number of training resources available to help you get started.

Salesforce itself offers a variety of resources for learning Aura Analytics, including Trailhead modules, documentation, and training courses. The Trailhead modules are a great place to start, as they provide a hands-on, interactive learning experience that covers a range of topics related to Aura Analytics, from creating dashboards to working with data.

These courses typically cover topics such as data modeling, dashboard creation, and report building, and may be offered in a variety of formats, including online courses, in-person training, and self-paced learning modules.

When evaluating different training options, it’s important to consider your learning goals, your existing experience with Salesforce and data analysis, and your preferred learning style. Whether you choose to learn through Trailhead, third-party courses, or a combination of both, taking the time to develop your skills in Aura Analytics can help you become a more effective Salesforce user and data analyst.

  • More than 55% of IT industries have been shifted to the cloud space and the numbers are expected to increase by over 25% in the future. And it has been predicted by Forbes that more than 80% of Enterprise Workloads will efficiently be handled through cloud technologies.
    • Unlike different disciplines, the salary of a Salesforce Aura Analytics professional is usually 30 percent higher.

      At the beginner level, you can earn up to $113K per annum.

      Even with less than one year of experience, you will make around Rs.4, 80,000 in a year.

  • Salesforce Aura Analytics certified are high in demand and gaining significant traction in the US and Canada. People with years of experience can earn maximum of Rs. 1,800,000 per annum.

  • No matter whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional, our Salesforce Aura Analytics course will help you gain the relevant skills you required. If you are looking to start a career in the field of cloud, we will help you gain all essential skills and let you clear the global certification examination, too.
    • Establish yourself as a certified Salesforce Aura Analytics professional and get hired by leading IT industries.

      Clear the interview and gain all essential technical and communication skills.

      Get a more than 30 percent hike in salary as a certified professional.

  • On the course completion, attempt the Salesforce Aura Analytics exam and clear it in the first attempt as we assure 100% clearance rate for our students.

  • There’s no denying that Salesforce Aura Analytics now become the future in today’s tech-dominating landscape. As most of the industries are aggressively adopting the best Salesforce Aura Analytics solutions, the demand for skilled Salesforce Aura Analytics professionals has been increased worldwide.
  • The reasons behind the popularity of Salesforce Aura Analytics are as follows:
    • A multitude of career benefits as an Salesforce Aura Analytics professional

      In-demand Salesforce Aura Analytics skills

      Placement Assistance

      Beyond expected salaries

      Best-in-class course content curated by leading industry practitioners.

A Salesforce Aura Analytics Professional typically has a range of responsibilities related to data analysis and visualization within the Salesforce platform. Some common job roles and responsibilities for this type of professional include:

  • Data modeling: The ability to design and create data models that are optimized for efficient data analysis and visualization is an important skill for a Salesforce Aura Analytics Professional. This involves understanding the structure of the data, as well as the requirements of the business and users.
  • Dashboard and report creation: Creating and designing reports and dashboards is a core responsibility of a Salesforce Aura Analytics Professional. This includes developing custom dashboards, reports, and visualizations to help users better understand their data and make more informed business decisions.
  • Data analysis and interpretation: Analyzing data and drawing insights from it is a critical part of the job. This involves identifying patterns and trends in the data, as well as using statistical methods to analyze and interpret the data.
  • Data integration and management: Integrating and managing data from various sources is an important responsibility of a Salesforce Aura Analytics Professional. This may involve working with external data sources, such as APIs or other data management systems, to pull in data and create a comprehensive data model.
  • Collaboration and communication: Working closely with business stakeholders to understand their needs and communicate data insights is an important part of the job. This involves developing strong working relationships with users and stakeholders, as well as presenting data insights in a clear and compelling way.

Overall, a Salesforce Aura Analytics Professional plays a key role in helping organizations to better understand their data and make more informed business decisions. The job requires a mix of technical and analytical skills, as well as strong communication and collaboration abilities.

  • Top industry verticals:
    • Travel Industry, IT Sector, Healthcare and Medical Sector, Media & Entertainment, Banking & Finance, Transportation, Non-Profit Industries, eCommerce, Insurance Sector, etc.

  • Top hiring companies:
    • IBM, NETFLIX, FEDEX, Infosys, American Express, etc.

  • Benefits of getting trained with us:
    • Find yourself a more competent, confident, and knowledgeable resource.

      Crack any interview with leading industries without any difficulty.

      Start working in your dream company like a PRO.

      See a drastic change in your communication skills.

  • You will get a completion certification to validate your skills after the completion of Salesforce Aura Analytics certification training. Also, you are likely to get recognized among top corporate giants. When it comes to enhancing your overall career, we endeavor to give the maximum support.
    • Our training certificate is globally accepted

      Helps the learner to climb the professional ladder

      It showcases credibility

      Increases your earning potential

      Makes you stand tall above the rest

Why Should You Learn Salesforce Aura Analytics Training?

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Plenary for Salesforce Aura Analytics Program

Track Week Days Course Duration Fast Track
Course Duration 40-45 Days 7 Weekends 8 Days
Hours 2 Hrs. Per Day 3 Hrs. Per Day 6+ Hrs. Per Day
Training Mode Online Online Online
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There are no specific eligibility criteria to enroll in our Salesforce Aura Analytics course. Anyone interested in starting a career in Salesforce Aura Analytics can register for this Salesforce Aura Analytics training program and become job-ready.

Yes, our dedicated crew of professional regularly updated the content of our course; ensuring students must get the latest knowledge.

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There are a number of benefits to taking a Salesforce Aura Analytics course, including:

  • Enhanced data analysis skills: By taking a course in Salesforce Aura Analytics, you’ll learn how to effectively analyze and visualize data within the Salesforce platform. This can help you become a more effective data analyst, as well as a more valuable asset to your organization.
  • Increased proficiency in Salesforce: Aura Analytics is a key component of the Salesforce platform, and by learning this tool, you’ll become more proficient in using Salesforce overall. This can help you become a more effective Salesforce administrator, developer, or consultant.
  • Improved job prospects: As more and more organizations adopt Salesforce as their CRM platform of choice, there is a growing demand for professionals with expertise in Salesforce Aura Analytics. By learning this tool, you’ll increase your marketability and job prospects.
  • Better decision-making: The insights and visualizations generated through Salesforce Aura Analytics can help organizations make more informed and data-driven decisions. By learning this tool, you’ll be better equipped to help your organization leverage its data to make better decisions.
  • Flexibility and convenience: Many Salesforce Aura Analytics courses are available online, which means you can learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. This can be especially beneficial for professionals who have busy schedules or who may not have access to in-person training options.

Overall, taking a Salesforce Aura Analytics course can be a valuable investment in your career, helping you to develop new skills, increase your marketability, and become a more effective data analyst and Salesforce professional.

There are no prerequisites associated with our Salesforce Aura Analytics courses. It can be taken up by beginners as well as experienced professionals who want to gain in-demand Salesforce Aura Analytics skills.

Career Assistancecareer assistance
  • – Build an Impressive Resume
  • – Get Tips from Trainer to Clear Interviews
  • – Attend Mock-Up Interviews with Experts
  • – Get Interviews & Get Hired

Training Features


Instructor-led Sessions

The most traditional way to learn with increased visibility,monitoring and control over learners with ease to learn at any time from internet-connected devices.

real life

Real-life Case Studies

Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.



Adding the scope of improvement and fostering the analytical abilities and skills through the perfect piece of academic work.

life time access

Lifetime Access

Get Unlimited access of the course throughout the life providing the freedom to learn at your own pace.


24 x 7 Expert Support

With no limits to learn and in-depth vision from all-time available support to resolve all your queries related to the course.



Each certification associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.

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